what is tbr in books

what is tbr in books

So, let’s dive into the world of book enthusiasts and explore the intriguing term “TBR” in books.

What Is TBR in Books?

The acronym “TBR” stands for “To Be Read.” It is a term commonly used by avid readers to describe their collection of books that they have yet to read. This list often includes novels, short stories, graphic novels, and other literary works that an individual has placed on their reading queue. The TBR list can be as simple as a handwritten list or as elaborate as a digital spreadsheet with detailed notes about each book, such as the author, title, genre, and personal rating.

The Evolution of TBR Lists

In the past, TBR lists were primarily found among hardcopy books. However, with the advent of e-readers and digital platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and Goodreads, the concept of a TBR list has expanded to include digital books as well. The rise of social media has also contributed to the popularity of TBR lists, as many readers share their lists online, inspiring others to add books to their own lists.

The Benefits of Having a TBR List

Having a TBR list offers several benefits. First, it helps readers keep track of the books they want to read, ensuring that they don’t forget about them. Second, it provides a sense of accomplishment when a book is finally finished. Third, it allows readers to organize their reading habits based on preferences, such as genres, authors, or even characters. Lastly, it fosters a community of book lovers who share similar interests and recommendations.

Different Types of TBR Lists

There are various types of TBR lists, depending on the reader’s preferences and goals. Some readers create a “must-read” list, consisting of books that they feel obligated to read, while others prefer a “dream-read” list, which includes books that they would love to read someday but haven’t yet. Additionally, some readers maintain a “to-read” list, which includes books that they want to read soon, while others keep a “want-to-read” list, which includes books that they are considering adding to their collection.

TBR Lists and Reading Challenges

Reading challenges, such as 50 Shades of Grey Challenge or the Harry Potter and the Series Challenge, often involve setting specific goals related to reading TBR lists. For example, a reader might aim to read all the books in a particular series within a set period of time. These challenges not only encourage readers to read more but also provide a sense of purpose and motivation.


In conclusion, TBR lists play a crucial role in the lives of avid readers. They help individuals keep track of their reading goals, foster a sense of community, and inspire new reading experiences. Whether you prefer a simple list or a complex system, TBR lists are a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their reading experience.